Hey All!
First of all, I'm really sorry about not posting more NaNoWriMo preps. :( I got a bit sidetracked. However, I'll post the photos that were taking me forever to take (my camera decided to stop working for a while).
So I bought two notebooks - A really big one to write the story in, and a little one for all the extra info I need on hand for my book.
Picture 1: Front cover of the notebook (characters, etc). I place my name (or author name (which is different from my actual name) in this case), event/class and year in the box.
Picture 2: First page I write out what I call a 'Character Profile' for the main character(s). I then fill it in with the character's details.
Picture 3: After getting the main characters done, I leave a page blank then start a new round of Character Profiles for the side characters. I find that also includes the main villain at times.
Picture 4: Now that I had the Character Profiles written out, I could start writing all the other important stuff, such as Powers (for my story ;P), made up words, etc.
Picture 5: After getting all the important stuff down I wrote several different blurbs, each labeled Blurb, Blurb 2, Blurb 3.
After that you can also write down your plot, if you want too.
Picture 6: My writing book for the story. As you can see, I've bought an A4 Exercise book, with 192 pages.
Picture 7: For name I've put down my Author name, for subject I've put down NaNoWriMo, and for Year I've put down 2014.
If you do what I've done above (or something similar), you'll have a fairly relaxed mind, and that will help you write when November 1st comes round (4 more days!!!!).
Now, I always like imagining what my book's cover should look like if I ever get it published. Sometimes (**cough cough** normally **cough cough** :P) I like to get a dramatic picture, because it looks cool. Of course, if I'm drawing the cover, it doesn't always come out how I imagined it, which I find both frustrating and sad. When that happens, I check out pictures on the Internet to find a good one.
The first cover I got was for Fantasy Land, my NaNo novel from 2013 (or, if you prefer, last year). The original picture was made by someone on Deviart (I hope you didn't mind me borrowing it!), but some lovely artist-writer on the NanoYWP site changed the colour of the Dragon and added both the Title and my Author name to the picture. Here's the cover:
Then today (even though I can't do NaNo this year, after all my preparing) I made a cover for Powers, the book I was going to write for NaNo this year. Once again, I believe that a lovely person on Deviart made the original picture, so all credit goes to them for designing the picture! and I added the title and my Author name. Here's the cover:
(I later thought that I should have used a brighter red for the writing, but I couldn't be bothered with editing it).
Then I was planning ahead for more books to put in the Powers series, and trying to give the books names. I decided to give the third book the name Powers: Raising The Dead and suddenly had a cool idea for the front cover. After a while sitting around drawing and trying to work on GIMP I made a cover. Here's the cover:
It came out better than I thought, so I feel quite happy with the covers!
Well, that's all for today. Good luck to my readers who are doing NaNo this year, and may time ever be in your favor.
Catch you all later!