Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Writing tips: Books

If there's one thing I like sharing, it's tips.

 It doesn't matter what kind of tips they are. I just love to help people out. I'm that kind of person. Occasionally the tips I give aren't actually what are needed, but I tried, which is the main thing I suppose.

 I was reading Derek Landy's blog, and I noticed his writing tips, which reminded me of the post I made a while ago with my own tips, which you can find here: My Top Writing Tips! (please forgive how shallow it is, I was only 13 when I put it together).
 If you want some better (and highly amusing) tips on how to write a good book, Derek Landy's three posts are very good: How to write books Good part 1 part 2 part 3
 Anyway, how about I post some more tips?

  • Good Story Plot
     A good story plot is the start of a good story. Everyone should knows that.
     What I do is I write a short summary of the story, then a full out summary, and then I start writing out chapter summary’s. I find that to be quite useful, compared to what I did when I was younger; I'd just have a vague idea of what would happen, start writing and then the story would fall apart because it became ridiculously out of control.
  • Good Character
     If there's one thing that's important, it's having an engaging character. The more realistic the character, the more your readers can connect to the story. And in order for that to happen, you need to know your character.
     What I do to really get a feel for my character(s) is to write up a Character Profile Sheet. Generally I'll make up the sections in a Profile Sheet, but if I'm not in the mood I'll just go onto the web instead and find one to use. (I'll post up my copy sometime soon)
  • Details
     Details are the most important thing in your story. It's what fleshes it out, makes it devour-able. Generally I've found that there's no such thing as too much detail, but that might be because I don't tend to put too much detail into my writing, but there is such thing as not enough detail. I've seen that in quite a lot of books.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Woe is me...

I used to think that there was such thing as "Too many notebooks". I owned tons of them, then got rid of most because I didn't have anything to use them for.

 Now, it's the middle of Camp Nanowrimo and I've used up my last notebook. Now I know there is no such thing as "Too many notebooks".

 Time to go down to office works and get a new notebook...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Freedom Poem

Hello dear readers! :D

 So I have another poem today. For this term I had to write a discussion essay of the use of freedom and rights in a poem, and then write a poem in the style of the one I wrote about.
 I did that last time with the song I wrote about. :)

 I wrote an essay about "Three Strikes to Freedom" today, and I also wrote a poem in the same 'style' - in this case, I kept with the same topic.

 Here's the one by Mary Zanders:

Freedom is like a baseball game,
You have to be set and have an aim,
When that's done, now you're ready
To bat the ball with an arm that's steady.

Strike one, selfish is the ball,
Missing this one is like missing them all,
But you can strike it if you try,
Kindness won't let anything pass you by.

Strike two, the ball is hate,
If this ball could be struck before it's too late,
The world would be better than just,
Having everybody together because they must.

Strike three, equality is last,
Miss this one and you're back in the past;
Remember you can't sit still and wait
For everything to stop and suddenly be straight.

And here's my poem, using "Freedom" as my topic to keep the style.

 What is Freedom?
 Is it the bird flying,
Through the great blue sky?
Or is it the great waves of the Ocean,
Crashing onto the hard, rocky shore?

Perhaps it is a child,
Running through a green feild.
May be it a  deer,
Sprinting through a forest,
Of evergreen trees.

Is Freedom a thing?
Is Freedom a choice?

We may never know,
Yet, it is certain that,
This question, will go on.

What is Freedom?

Well, that's today's post! Tomorrow I might post up my essay on "Three Strikes to Freedom". :)

Catch you later!

Essay: I'll Never Smile Again

 "I'll Never Smile Again" is a song written by Ruth Lowe, who wrote it in memory of her late husband, Harold. It was written in 1939, just before the start of the Second World War. It became a huge it after Tommy Dorsey, a famous Jazz artist, recorded the song with the Pied Pipers and the then unknown Frank Sinatra.

 The song is sad, mournful, and slightly depressing. I think that Ruth had decided to write her feelings into the song, in the hope to make herself feel better. She said that she'd "never smile again without Harold", which is stated in the lyrics:

"I'll never smile again until I smile at you
 I'll never laugh again, what good would it do?"

 She wrote the song mainly in memory of her husband, Harold (who died during surgery) and in the memory of others who had died. She knew her situation wasn't unusual, and so she made the song universal, as it would help her listeners relate to the song.

  The song was written in 1939, just before the start of the second World War. When it was first played on the radio many people, mainly those who had survived the first World War, could relate to it. People born between the two wars would have been able to imagine the pain and sorrow that the song was about
 Once the planet plunged into the Second World War everyone could relate to the song. I think that everyone could properly appreciate the song, as many fathers husbands and sons were out fighting, and news wasn't always fast. It would've been the same for the men at war, as they thought about their friends and family back at home. I think it's possible that the timing of the song's release and the was possibly coincidental, but perhaps it was a way of the Universe sending something to help people through the war.

  "We thank Ruth Lowe for her contribution and support during the trying periods that all of us have faced at one time or another."

 Tommy Dorset recorded the song in 1940, with the Pied Pipers and a very young Frank Sinatra doing vocals. Soon after the song was released a rumour spread around, claiming that Ruth's husband was a Canadian airman killed in action, and that Ruth had written the song in his memory. It was an indestructible rumour which made the song popular, and I assume it would have became firmly set after Frank Sinatra referred to Ruth's husband as a Canadian airman. I think it would've seemed more romantic than the actual reason behind his death, which was why more people were attracted to the song.

 While this song is still considered a universal nod to those in mourning, I feel that this song has been forgotten. Which is sad, when one remembers why it was written.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Poem for school work

Hallo y'all!

 Yup, I'm back! :D Sorry about leaving you all. :( For some reason I keep getting stuck for ideas for poems and all that... But I should be back more often now because as part of my school stuff I have to write a poem each term.

 So this one is my latest. And for those who are wondering it's Ninjago based, with the Girl being Lucy, my made up Ninja of Storms, and the Overlord... well, he's the Overlord. :P It's written in the style of "I'll Never Smile Again" by Ruth Lowe. She wrote the song after her husband died. I've tried to keep the same beat in my poem.

 Here's the lyrics to "I'll Never Smile Again":
I'll never smile again, until I smile at you
I'll never laugh again, what good would it do?
For tears would fill my eyes, my heart would realize
That our romance is through

I'll never love again, I'm so in love with you
I'll never thrill again to somebody new
Within my heart, I know I will never start
To smile again, until I smile at you

Within my heart, I know I will never start
To smile again, until I smile at you
Until I smile at you

 Here's my version:

 There's a girl in the storm, fighting her way
Fight's like Hell cause she's gonna stay
Overlord knows she won't give up;
He's hoping she's the first to pay.

The wind howls round her, in a whirling form
The Summer's day is no longer warm
Cold as winter, and not going away
The girl won't give up in any form

Cold as winter, and not going away
The girl won't give up in any form
In any form.

 What do you think? It's not my best, I've gone a little rusty from not doing any poems recently. 

 I'm heading over to my Spinj's Blogs now. :)
 WillowUnicorn (AKA Spinj the Ninja)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Team Tech

Hey Guys!

Wow, it's been a while since my other post! I'm starting to have to post on too many blogs, and I keep forgetting the others. XP That's not a good sign, is it?!

Anyway, I thought I had better give you all an excerpt from my book, Team Tech! Because I'm planning to hopefully to get this book published I shan't post up too much of it, just a little for your entertainment. ;)

So here's a bit from Chapter Four!

"Talk about spooky.”
MO, Andy, Lucy and Zane stood out the front of Manchester Manor's gate, staring into the once beautiful, now wild looking garden. It seemed like a huge jungle, with vines, trees, bushes and flowers everywhere. And making the scene seem even more daunting, was the dark, run down shape of Manchester Manor.
“Ladies first?” Zane nervously held the gate open. Lucy rolled her eyes, muttered something that sounded like “scaredy cat” and marched through. MO hurried through after her. Andy and Zane shrugged, and followed the girls.
They struggled through the garden, tripping over bushes and snagging their clothes on thorns. Lucy tripped over for the fifth time.
“This is taking for ever.” she complained, as she stood up. “And I swear that I saw a snake just then.” She began dusting herself off, and pulled a thorn out of her jeans.
Andy looked around warily. “We should hurry up a little. Does anyone have their pockets knifes? I've got mine.”
MO, Zane and Lucy all pulled out theirs, and the four kids began hacking their way through the garden, occasionally stomping on the ground to scare away any type of snake, and making comments about how badly kept the place was (Andy attempted a few jokes too).
In ten minutes they found themselves standing on the veranda. MO began flicking switches on her ghost detector, and Lucy pulled out her torches.
“Have you got spare batteries?” asked Zane, taking his one.
“You planning on staying here a long time?” asked Lucy, tossing Andy and MO their torches. “Of course I do. Here you go.” She chucked some spare batteries at Zane, who caught them and stuffed them in his pocket.
They all looked at each other.
“The suspense is killing me.” joked Andy. “There'll be more than one ghost soon!” MO gave him an odd look. “Just kidding.” he hastily muttered, and opened the door.
The door creaked on it's hinges, and chips of wood fell off. A slightly stale smell came to them. From somewhere inside a door slammed shut. MO, Andy and Zane looked at Lucy, Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.

So, do you like it? :D I hope you do! ;D

I had better go, I've got some more stuff to do. :) Catch you all later!
